Instant Book Slots Instant Book Slots

Instant Book Slots

Pete Pete


What is Instant Booking?

Instant Booking allows clients to directly book a session into your calendar at specific times of your choosing, without the back and forth of finding a mutually available time slot.

Practitioners with instant booking turned on get:

  • 18% more bookings
  • First booking 20% sooner

You'll need to set up Instant Book Slots to allow clients to instantly book with you.

How to set up Instant Book Slots

  1. Navigate to your calendar in Unmind Connect and click on a slot in the calendar
  2. When the side panel opens, select 'Instant book slot' rather than Session
  3. Select the 'Repeat slot weekly' checkbox if you'd like this same slot to be offered every week, otherwise leave this empty to create a one-off slot
  4. Click save to make this slot live for clients to book
  5. Repeat for as many slots as you would like to add

Frequently asked questions

What times can I set instant book slots?
How can I ensure buffer time between each session?
What timezone are instant book slots in?
How much notice will I receive of an instant book?
How do I remove my instant book slots while I'm away?

What times can I set Instant Book Slots for?

You can select slots that start at 15 minute intervals, for example 0900, 1015, 1330 or 1645. Note that instant book slots cannot overlap

How can I ensure buffer time between each session?

If you are using 50 minute sessions, this will be handled for you by the system, leaving 10 minutes between consecutive appointments. If you are using 60 minute sessions you may need to adjust your slots to allow yourself gaps between sessions, for example 0900-1000, 1015-1115, 1130-1230 etc.

What timezone are instant book slots in?

Instant book slots will always been displayed in your own timezone in your calendar. Clients will see the appointment in their own timezone.

How much notice will I receive of an instant book?

Clients are unable to book slots within the next 24 hours meaning that you will always receive a minimum of 24 hours notice.

How do I remove my instant book slots while I'm away?

If you are going to be away for a period, you can use the delete option to remove any slots whilst you are away:

- With one off slots, simply remove them for the period you'll be out-of-office.
- With weekly recurring slots, you can remove this entire slot e.g. Mondays at 1pm - this will remove all future slots. Then, if you navigate to a week you'll be back in office, you can set up a new weekly recurring slot from this week. This will only be available from this week onwards.

Please note when Instant Book Slots are removed, you are still visible to clients on Unmind Talk and can still receive booking requests via Sessions. To hide your profile completely while you're away, please contact the Support team.


Create One-off Slots

You can create one-off slots that do not recur. When creating your one-off slot be sure to leave the 'Repeat slot weekly' box empty. These slots are marked with Doesn't repeat.


Change Calendar View (Instant Book Slots vs Sessions)

A new option in the calendar drop-down menu will allow you to easily toggle the visibility of instant book slots, giving you greater control over your calendar view.


Remove One-off and Recurring Slots

You can now remove individual Instant Book Slots directly from your calendar in Connect. Click into the slot you would like to remove and click the trash bin icon. Please note, for slots that repeat weekly, this will remove all instances - it is not yet possible to remove one specific slot of a recurring weekly slot.


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