At Unmind, we believe that clinical quality goes beyond professional experience and education. While we understand that situations may arise that are out of our control, we require the following qualities from practitioners partnering with Unmind:
- Responsive. Practitioners should respond to users within 48 hours, and be responsive to the Unmind team.
- Punctual. Practitioners should arrive ahead of or on time to sessions and keep sessions to time.
- Prepared. Practitioners should arrive to sessions prepared, to avoid wasting session time.
- Respectful. Practitioners must behave and communicate in a respectful manner towards both users and Unmind staff at all times.
- Organised. Practitioners must keep their calendars updated to ensure users are seeing the most up-to-date availability options for sessions.
- Connected and tech-enabled. Upon joining Unmind, practitioners warrant that their connectivity is sufficient to run online sessions with users.
- Ethical. Unmind requires that all practitioners uphold the standards and ethics of their accrediting/licensing body, and act in an ethical manner at all times.
- Confidential. Practitioners must adhere to the data protection regulations of their country with regards to ensuring their documentation is kept secure and confidential.
- Engaged. Practitioners should read our communication to them and stay up-to-date with any changes.
- Responsible. Practitioners are expected to let Unmind know of any changes to their work that may affect their clients or their work with Unmind.
- Effective and guided by the evidence base. Practitioners should follow the evidence-base and clinical best practice offering interventions that are proven to work, and work within their limitations.
- Open to feedback and improvement. Practitioners are open to receiving feedback from clients and from us, and be willing to make changes to develop and improve.
- Uphold professional boundaries. Practitioners must not discuss Unmind's business-related processes or internal operations during any sessions you may hold with Unminders.
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Articles in this section
- How to Resolve the 'Error Creating Event' Issue When Booking Clients
- Practitioner Handbook FAQ
- Unmind champions fair pay
- Unmind's expectations of practitioners
- New practitioner terms and conditions
- Checking the status of your application
- Choosing to leave the Unmind platform
- Termination
- Professional insurance
- What approaches am I able to offer?
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