Confirming your sessions in Connect Confirming your sessions in Connect

Confirming your sessions in Connect

Pete Pete

What is this?

Session confirmation is a new feature allowing Practitioners to directly confirm if a session with a client has taken place. This ensures that payments for sessions are accurate and reduces the need to contact us if a client does not attend.

Confirming sessions

All sessions must be confirmed within 5 calendar days to avoid potential issues with payment.

  • After a scheduled session has taken place you will see a new button in your Unmind Connect home page prompting you to confirm that the session took place. You will also receive a series of email reminders alerting you to confirm sessions.

  • Click on "Confirm sessions" to open a new screen allowing you to confirm all outstanding sessions, or mark them as cancelled.

  • Once a session is confirmed as completed, late cancellation or no-show it will be marked as payable and paid in the next round of payments, usually on a Monday.
    • Sessions marked as not having taken place will be removed from your calendar when you submit session confirmation.
    • Removing a session from your calendar manually will prevent it from appearing in the list of sessions to be confirmed. For this reason we recommend that you do not remove late cancellation or no-show sessions from your calendar as it will prevent you from confirming them for payment.
  • Sessions marked as early cancellation or practitioner initiated cancellation will not be marked as payable. In this case the client's session limit balance will also be re-credited with 1 session.


Will I be paid immediately after confirming a session?

  • No. Payments for confirmed sessions continue to be processed weekly, usually on a Monday.

How will I know when to confirm a session?

  • You’ll receive a series of email reminders to alert you to confirm sessions. These are sent at the end time of the session, as well as at 48 hours left and 24 hours left to confirm a session.
  • You can also check if you have any sessions you need to confirm at any time by logging into your Unmind Connect account and checking the home screen.

How long do I have to confirm a session?

  • You’ll be able to confirm a given session for 5 calendar days (120 hours) after the start time of the session.
  • Please make sure you do so as if you miss the confirmation window, we’ll assume the session did not go ahead, and therefore will not make any payment for this session.

How soon can I confirm a session?

  • As soon as session start time has passed, you are able to confirm a session. You’ll also receive a reminder email at the session end time.

What if I miss confirming a session or confirm the wrong thing?

  • If you miss the 5-day window, forget to confirm a session or need to make any changes after confirming a session, please contact us.

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